Tuesday, September 4, 2012

(Another) First Day of School

It's hard to believe that these (really) little guys...

...started preschool today.

The boys actually got a practice run last week. On Thursday, all of the kids got to have a fifteen minute session alone with the teachers to check out the place and, most importantly, confirm the location of the bathroom. I had scheduled Leon and Michael for back-to-back sessions, but they let them both play in the classroom for the entire 30 minutes. They loved it. Ironically, it was Natalia who cried hysterically when it was time to leave.

Last night Michael had me tell him the schedule for today about 17 times since knowing EXACTLY what is going to happen is his way of dealing with stress. It must have worked because this morning when he woke up he came into our bedroom to use the bathroom and stage whispered, "We get to go to preschool today!" Michael, as usual, has verbal diarrhea and told Jeff all about his day as soon as Jeff picked him up. When I got home from work, Michael also told me all about his day. The highlight (repeated many, many times) was eating his snack.

Last night Nervous was so worried he just started jumping around his room when it was time to tuck him in. It was like the worries were just bursting out of him. I finally corralled him and got him to go to sleep. This morning he was still jumpy and so concerned he couldn't even utter one of his favorite phrases, "I can't stop freaking out!" He was pretty much a zombie. A bouncing zombie. Despite that, I think he had a great day. He told me there was a little boy at school who was "just like" him. And the boy sat on the other side of Michael (presumably during circle time). And, according to Leon who regularly blends fantasy and reality, Leon and the boy went on a field trip to a farm and the blue bus dropped Leon off at home after the field trip.

I think that's Leon's way of saying preschool rocks.

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