Thursday, September 6, 2012

Preschool Update

After two days of preschool, here is what Leon and Michael have shared with me:

On Tuesday they both ate all of their snacks. Today Michael ate his granola bar but he didn't finish his snack pack of Craisins. But Dad let him eat those in the car on the way home.

On the first day they sang "Wheels on the Bus" but on the second day they didn't.

They heard two stories today. No details were given as to titles or plots.

On Tuesday they both went potty twice. (Impressive, since they are only there for an hour and a half a day for the first two weeks.) Today Michael went potty twice and Leon went potty once.

There is only one potty in their classroom. (There are more potties down the hall. I fear the day they discover them.)

There is a girl in the classroom who wears Pull Ups but she calls them "panties." I am sincerely hoping the Pull Up wearing has nothing to do with the boys hogging the one potty in the classroom.

What they still cannot tell me: the names of any of their classmates or their teachers.

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