Monday, August 9, 2010

Be Our Guest

I have always had trouble just enjoying the moment, especially when things are looming.  Growing up, I hated Sundays.  Normal, sane people would enjoy Sunday because it was the last day of the weekend, but for me it was always awful because it was the last day of the weekend which meant Monday was just around the corner.  Although I've definitely improved through the years, and have become much more of a slacker, these feelings aren't gone.

So it was really strange to me last week when I was reading a magazine and saw an article on "What Our Readers Love About August" and everyone one of them commented on how it was so relaxing and it was a time for sleeping in and playing outside and eating too much grilled food.  That doesn't feel like my August at all. 

I think August will actually, eventually prove to be fun and relaxing, but this weekend it was overwhelming.  Last Thursday it dawned on me that over the next four weeks, we will have visitors in town 19 days.  The time with visitors will be the relaxing part.  The getting ready for them will not be.  Thankfully I had this realization on Thursday, so I had the whole weekend to work on getting ready. 

Friday I worked in the morning, went to a dentist appointment, and stopped at the grocery store on the way home so we had food for this weekend and the week ahead.  I think the rest of the day was fairly relaxing.  It was somewhat of a blur.  I know I cooked dinner and cleaned the kids' bathroom.  The kids spent a good part of the day climbing on me because that is what they do on Fridays when I am finally home.  Jeff and I have "date night" everyone week which mostly involves sitting on the couch and watching TV shows on DVD, and we managed to squeeze in a little TV time before passing out.

Saturday morning I took the boys for a walk, fed everyone breakfast, changed the sheets on everyone's beds, cleaned the boys' room, and Ree and I still made it out the door by a little after 10:00 a.m. for her swim lesson.  We swam (and even lingered in the pool for a little while after her lesson), went out to lunch, and then had a crazy busy afternoon of errand running.  Among other things, she has a birthday this month, so we needed to get everything for her birthday party so we were busy visiting craft stores and the dollar store getting all sorts of party supplies and cake decorations.  We also made a couple of stops to get things for our guests.  When we got home, I could tell the boys needed to get out of the house (at 7:00 a.m. Leon had actually asked for "clothes" and then "shooooes."  He wanted an adventure!), so I took them to Target.  Needless to say, Saturday dinner was not fancy.  Once the kids were in bed, I did a little more cleaning.

Sunday morning I tried to get the boys out of the house without waking up Ree, but I failed at that, so we didn't end up leaving until a little after 7:00.  By that time all three kids and both dogs had finished breakfast, and the boys had each had two diaper changes.  The boys and I went to Walmart for the last shopping excursion of the weekend, and I am happy to say that after 8 stops, we have everything we need for our family for this week and for Ree's party. We even have quite a bit of stuff for guests in general.  And we hope they enjoy it, because when they arrive, we may be sleeping!

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