Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So I suppose it's time to put it out there that I'm pregnant again.  Yes, Baby Number 4 is on the way!  So far we have already noticed quite a few differences between a first pregnancy and a pregnancy with the fourth kid.

The first time around we were so excited.  We read about the baby.  We talked about the baby.  We made plans about the baby.  I'm pretty sure there have been entire days this time when we have entirely forgotten that we are adding to the brood.  Even now there are days when my only reminder is going to my closet in the morning and realizing I have nothing to wear.  (I really do need to dig out more of my maternity clothes and get back all the ones I loaned to other people.) We figure I'll be about 39 weeks pregnant when it occurs to us that we should probably buy some diapers and attempt to locate the bassinette.

The first time around I couldn't wait to tell people.  I was bubbling over and was so obviously excited that at least my good friends just asked.  It was so apparent.  This time we've waited to tell people.  No need to jinx things.  And aside from telling family, close friends, and my boss, we've mostly just waited for people to ask.  And, okay, it is kinda amusing to have people come up to me in the hall or bathroom at work and say, "Well, um, I was just wondering, you see, um, you look different..."  I'm usually kind and cut them off and tell them, yup, preggers again!  Usually.  Of course then they always want to know how far along I am, and unlike the first time where I could practically tell people down to the hour, this time it always takes some serious math work.  (For anyone who is interested, I'm currently 15 weeks and due the first week of February.)

The biggest difference is the reactions we get when telling people. The first time it was all:

I'm SO happy for you!

And we did still get that from many of our good friends, along with comments that it's about time or they were wondering when this would happen.  I also get called Michelle Duggar a lot and jokingly asked when we're going to get a reality show.  Then there are also a lot of blank stares and "wow"s.  But mostly people have been supportive even if they think we're nuts.  But we've never denied that.

But in the end, whether this baby number one or baby number four (or any other number), it is still exciting.  Babies are the best.


Dawn said...

I just read the news!!! Congrats! and yes, a bit nutty :) Take care of yourself. Sorry for the late reply, I guess I have not been keeping up with my Nutty Mommy reading--will do from now on. Best to you and your family

Stef said...

Thanks! No apologies on not reading - I understand how things get busy!