Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Water Boy

We usually only give the boys cold food or food that is no more than lukewarm.  Since they still mainly eat with their fingers, this prevents burns on both their hands and mouth.  Occasionally, though, they will be desperate for food, and Michael will be moaning, and we will give them the food before it cools completely.  This happened a little over a week ago, and Michael learned a new word.  "HOT!"  The boy has a healthy fear of hot.  This is good, since he learned it without actually getting burned, and because he doesn't seem to fear anything else.

In particular, the boy has no fear of water.  At the beach, he runs straight for the water.  Once he is in the water, he keeps pointing east, wanting to go deeper and deeper in the water.  He doesn't care when waves knock him down. (He doesn't always get up right away either.  We can't help but wonder if he has a death wish.)  He just wants more!

My parents now have an apartment in Wilmington, and on Sunday night we took the kids swimming at the pool in their apartment complex.  When Michael spotted the water in front of him, it was more of the same.  He couldn't get enough of the water.  He wanted to kick his feet and doggie paddle.  He let my mom hold him so he could swim on his belly.  He let her hold him so he could float on his back.  He loved every second of it.  This child is definitely our swimmer.

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