Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Mornings used to be my time to myself, and for a long time I fought sharing that time with Michael.  I wanted to yell at him, "MINE!" and tell him to go away.  I suppose I could have, but it just would've made him cry, and listening to a crying baby isn't really the kind of "me time" I like in the morning (or at any time of day).  Then finally it dawned on me that someday I will miss this.  Really.  So I decided to embrace the early morning madness.  And sleep deprivation aside, it's made a huge difference.  I look forward to our very early morning excursions, at least as much as one can look forward to taking a walk so early it's sometimes still dark when we get back.  Michael definitely loves them too, and we do get to see a lot of things in the dark that we didn't see before.  One day last week we saw the first passenger flight of the morning leaving the airport. (Our airport only uses four gates.  I feel safe in making this claim.)  The jet passed low overhead with all of its lights on.  We had to stop for a minute and watch that bad boy.  I think Michael's jaw actually dropped open in amazement.  Another morning the moon was out and Michael pointed and exclaimed, "Moooon!" each time it came back into view.  Then he spent the rest of the morning going through his books at home looking through his books for pictures of the moon.  Maybe sharing my mornings isn't all bad.

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