Thursday, August 5, 2010

Questionable Parenting

There are those instances I look back on my behavior and think, "Ooh.  That was some bad parenting," and I shudder a bit at what my children will be telling their therapists in the years to come.  Then there are those rare moments when I think, "Hey, that was some GOOD parenting!" and I wonder a little bit how that managed to sneak out.  Then there are all those times that fall somewhere in between in the murky gray area.  That's definitely where this one falls.

One night last week Ree was in the tub, and I was sitting in the bathroom with her (good parenting!).  Rather than interacting with her, I was reading a book (probably bad parenting).  It was pretty entertaining, and I started laughing out loud. Ree wanted to know what was funny, so I decided to read it to her.  (Reading aloud from a chapter book = good parenting!).  Except it was a Janet Evanovich book (bad parenting).  But this particular page did not contain any sex or violence (good parenting).  But it did involve a monkey running loose in a nursing home and some possibly mockery of the elderly (bad parenting).  But we enjoyed our time together...that counts for something, right?

I'm going to call this one a wash, but if I ever find out she has some weird prejudice about individuals living in nursing homes, or about monkeys, I will know it's all my fault.  And I think I can live with that.

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