Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Curriculum Coordinator

Every week at preschool, Ree is required to bring in a nature share.  It is their version of show-and-tell, and as the name implies, it has to be something from nature.  I find this to be the bane of my existence.  It was fun to take in shells from the beach and fall leaves, but those were just each one week.  There are a lot of other weeks to fill.  I struggle with this.  Thankfully, I have Jeff to pick up the slack.

We were discussing this over the weekend, and I realized while we may be lacking in things to share are school, we did have a pretty nature-filled weekend.  We went to the mall and got eight new trees for the backyard, courtesy of a local group that was giving them away.  While planting them, Jeff accidentally dug up a hibernating frog. (Thankfully we had recently learned, thanks to Ree, that frogs hibernate.  Neither one of us could ever recall previously hearing that frogs hibernate, and without that knowledge, the little guy would've been hard to identify.  And, yes, Jeff did his best to restore him to his sleeping spot.)  We keep the dogs' water bowl outside so that Leon doesn't use it for his cooking projects, and we checked out the ice that formed on it over night.  As a result we also talked about cold weather and looked at the circle of ice I was eventually able to thaw out of the bowl.  (Oooh!  Math too!) 

Sunday night Ree started asking me about what happens to fruits and veggies when they go bad.  She wanted to know all about decomposition and asked if we could look at pictures of it on the computer.  I have no idea what inspired this (I'm hoping it wasn't something in our fridge), but I told her that we could and asked if she would like to do that instead of reading a bedtime story.  She said "Sure!" then added, "Mom, we just don't do enough science things."  Sigh. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Touchdown, Mikey!

With nothing but the Super Bowl, Big Game, What the Heck Are You Allowed to Call It? Event out there, football season is rapidly coming to an end. (Phew!  I mean, um, uh, how unfortunate.)  Prior to children, I used to enjoy football, but these days, it is just a pain in my heiny.  It never occurred to me that when I married a sports junkie, someday I might be at least a partial football widow.  I'm dumb.  However, one thing I will miss about football, at least from this season, is Michael's reaction to it.

First, when a game is on, Michael will sit on the couch and announce the game.  While the field or any players are visible, he babbles continuously.  Someday he will do exceedingly well as one of those obnoxious color commentators who doesn't know when to shut up.  (The running joke is that some day we will be able to say, while beaming with pride, "See that guy up there in the announcer booth?  The one everyone wants to muzzle?  That's our boy!")

Then there are the commercials.  All three of our kids will freeze, open mouthed, eyes unblinking, and stare at the TV throughout the commercials.  It should be fun to watch their reaction to the Game-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named.  And given the fact that our kids miss nothing, remember everything, Ree is now reading and Michael is trying very hard, every time we make it back to the game without seeing an ED commercial, we give a little sigh of relief.

Finally, the best part, is when Michael actually reenacts plays.  He plays all positions himself.  So he will start as the quarterback and throw the ball.  Then he will receive his own pass.  Finally, he will turn into a defensive tackle and hurl himself to the floor shouting, "Boom!  Crash!"  Then, as the receiver again, he will lay on top of the ball, clutching it with both hands and say, "Owwww!"  (Okay, so Harvard isn't exactly calling...)  Last week Jeff found him dropping the ball, shouting, "Fumble!" Then he scrambled to get the ball and regain possession.

I gotta admit, it's some quality entertainment, and I will miss that.  Thankfully, there are more sports looming...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In Sickness and in Sickness

If only you could cash in on mother's intuition/psychic vibes.  Yesterday afternoon Ree's nose started running.  By last night, it was a dripping faucet.  Michael sneezed through dinner and snack last night, and his nose is running this morning.  I thankfully don't feel congested, but I have a runny nose today too.

This is the cold that never ends, that never ends, that never ends...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Slacker Holidays

There are so many things I've wanted to write about over the past couple of weeks, but I could never seem to find a time to write when my head was clear enough to form a semi-coherent thought.  And it wasn't just pregnancy brain or the holidays.  I was sick for four weeks straight, and wow, did that suck.

I was lucky in my first two pregnancies.  I pretty much enjoyed them, but then I was able to kick back and relax and take full advantage of my pregnant status, especially in the third trimester.  (I could've done without all the drama the last month with the boys, but these things happen.)  I read lots of books.  I took lots of naps.  I enjoyed just being.

But this time things are different.  I have three little ones, two needy dogs, and life had to throw in the holidays, just for fun.  After going two rounds with a stomach bug, and two rounds with the flu including a second round that left me with a sinus headache for 8 days straight, I was pretty dang crabby.  It got to the point where I was seriously worried that if one more well-intentioned little old lady told me how wonderful it was to be pregnant at the holidays, I would haul off and smack her.  Oh, and to add to the fun, I was permanently congested the entire time.  I'm afraid that I put more bags of used tissues in landfills during my month of sick than our family has put in bags of diapers in our 4 1/2 years of diaper wearing.

I really don't want to jinx things, but I've been well since last weekend, and it's been so nice.  The kids have been better too.  I totally jinxed the poor children back at the beginning of November.  As I wrote our November tuition check for preschool, it occurred to me that we had made it through two months of school with no real ailments.  Even as I was thinking it, part of my brain was screaming, "Noooo!  You'll ruin everything!" and that when the boys' noses started running.  They finally stopped running over the past few days.  Yup, two full months of snotty children.

I think we are healing because we finally have some time.  My parents were in town last weekend, and it's amazing what you can do with two extra adults around.  Not only do they help, but the kids are so much less demanding of us because they get plenty of attention.  And Mother Nature helped us out too.  We got snow on Monday morning that led to me staying home all day Monday and not having to go to work until 10:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday.  And now I have a real three day weekend.

I know that because I am writing this, we will soon be doomed again, and it will be back to spending the nights sleeping upright on the couch with whatever child is sickest at the moment.  But I have to say, I've enjoyed the last week, especially due to having a clear head.  It feels like the holidays have finally arrived.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Living Up to Our Kids' Expectations

To honor nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green, and all the other victims of last weekend's shooting, Sen. Mark Udall is proposing that members of both political parties sit next to each other at this year’s State of the Union address set for January 25th, instead of using the normal seating pattern which is divided by party.

To learn more, and to sign the letter urging your Senators and Representatives to do so, see this article on MomsRising.org.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow! Again!

My parents arrived last Thursday.  They were here to see their grandkids (and us - I hope!) and to escape the cold of Ohio.  Apparently, warmer temperatures are a relative thing, because they brought an awful lot of winter weather with them.

On Sunday night, we learned that Ree and I didn't have preschool or work on Monday.  It was clear and dry when we heard the news.  This seemed strange, even if the radar told a different picture.  However, this is what we woke up to:

We watched the snow throughout the morning, using a soccer ball in the backyard as our guide to determine the snow depth.  We took this a little over halfway through the storm.

The snow was supposed to turn to rain around lunchtime, so we took the kids out while it was still coming down like mad.  Ree mostly played on the patio, under the cover.

 Leon was busy cooking, as usual.

 The lens was covered with snow, so it's a bit blurry, but I did manage to capture all three kids together.
Now it's off to work again. Dang.  I was really hoping for a snow week!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pants on Fire

Over the weekend I was alone in Leon and Michael's room restocking the diapers and wipes when I simultaneously heard Michael cry and saw Leon enter the room.  The first words out of Leon's mouth were, "Mikey okay."  Hmm.  That got my radar buzzing a bit.

So I said, "But Mikey's crying."

To which Leon vehemently responded, "Mikey okay."

That's when I noticed Leon clutching a toy to his chest.  So I inquired, "Is Mikey crying because you took that from him?"

His response, "Ye...Nooooooo!"

Oh my.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kid Time - Michael (and Ree - again!)

It had not been my plan to spend one-on-one time with each kid last week, but when it started working out like that, I realized it was probably a good thing.  By Tuesday morning it was time for a Michael - Mommy adventure, and he and I headed to Walmart for a super mega grocery shopping since we hadn't really shopped in two weeks.

Michael is not a great shopper, and this excursion made me a bit nervous.  My list was long and rambling, so before we left, I rewrote it so it was more organized and efficient.  I packed a snack and a drink for him.  And I hoped for the best.

It actually turned out okay.  Michael was pretty happy, and other than managing to drop half of his snack in a "spill-proof" container on the floor in front of the spaghetti sauce, we had no major disasters.

The problem with Walmart is it just always takes forever.  We had left home a few minutes after 10:00, and it was already approaching noon as we left the checkout.  I was hungry and dehydrated (and quickly approaching grouchy, since I don't do hunger well, so Michael and I headed to Moe's where we had a coupon for a free kid's meal.

Michael was so cute there.  He and I each had burritos.  I held him up so he could see them make his food, and he happily told them what to put on his burrito. (Chicken, beans, cheese, lettuce, and TOMATO!)  He held my hand and walked like a big kid as we got drinks and went to our table.  As I was going to get him a high chair, a nice woman ran up and offered to get one for us.  Once I got him settled in, he sat down and just ate.  He definitely enjoyed the fact that his chair was facing a TV showing football highlights, but he didn't let that distract him from the business at hand.  He ate all of the filling from his burrito, a few chips, and the part of his chocolate chip cookie I was willing to let him have.  I think his favorite part was his big boy drink.  I let him drink lemonade out of a kid's cup with a straw.  The boys are usually stuck drinking water from sippy cups when we go out, so this was a huge treat.

When we got home, Michael was happy and I was, again, exhausted.  I was ready to take a nap, but Ree reminded me how things weren't fair.  I pointed out that while she got to have a sleepover, her brothers just went with me to run errands on their dates.  The little attorney then replied that her time with me didn't count as a date since we didn't actually GO anywhere.  I actually needed to stop at the grocery store, so she and I headed out to Barnes and Noble to spend a gift card that was burning a hole in her pocket with plans to stop by HT on the way home.

The kids are all so funny in Barnes and Noble.  It is their mecca.  But we are cheap, and we have an army of children, so we rarely buy anything there, since buying one thing means buying three things.  Books in our house typically come as presents or from the dollar bin at Target (or from the library).

But Ree knew she could pick out something, anything (within reason) to buy.  So she checked out the princess stuff.  Then the racks of series books like the Berenstain Bears.  Then it was off to the games and educational toys.  As we were walking through the games, she looked at me and told me she was overwhelmed.  There was too much to choose from.  So we headed to the clearance where she found a princess fashion set.  That was just right.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kid Time - Ree

The Monday after Christmas included a big event in our house.  It was the Mommy - Ree sleepover.  Ree had been planning this for weeks, if not months.  She has been dying for a pajama party, and I figured Christmas break was the perfect time to do it.  There was plenty of recovery time, and over the course of the week, there was a good chance of us finding a night where no one was sick and needing attention all night.

Ree's requirements for the sleepover were pretty simple.  Eat popcorn, watch a movie, paint our nails.  I like that.  Miraculously, Jeff and I were able to get Leon and Michael to bed on time, so Ree and I had a fair amount of time together while still getting her to sleep by 10:00 (at least that was my plan).  Once the boys were tucked in, Ree and I sprang into action.  We were in the bathroom painting her nails with her insisting that I paint my toenails.  (I am pretty sure I will deliver the bambina with the same polish on my nails.  I may have somehow reached my toes once to put on the polish, but there ain't no way I'm getting down there again to remove it.)

Then we popped some popcorn and were ready to sit down and watch a movie.  I was actually pretty excited.  We were watching Aladdin, which is one of my very favorite Disney movies.  My parents brought us a copy back in November, but for various reasons I had never been able to watch it with Ree.  Unfortunately, it was a little hard to hear since Leon chose to scream for an hour after we tucked him into bed.  He did not want his time with Mommy to end.  Jeff and I both tried resetting him, but he was feeling very angry, and hugs and kisses wouldn't cut it.  I think this was the night that I found him sitting in bed shivering and screaming at one point.  He likes to throw things when he's angry (ugh...boys!), and he had thrown all of his blankets out of his bed.  Apparently he was angry enough that when he ran out of ammunition, he took off his pajama shirt and threw that as well. So there sat my little half-naked, angry dude.

Eventually, he wore himself out, and we were able to actually hear the second half of the movie.  At this point I realized I was getting VERY tired.  Apparently the long day o' fun had caught up to me.  Following the movie, we brushed out teeth and settled in for the night.  I was sleeping on the couch, and Ree was sleeping next to me on the living room floor on a preschool sized pull-out sofa she got for Christmas.  She quickly got very quiet, and I subsequently passed out.  About 15 minutes later, I was awoken from a deep sleep by her asking to go the bathroom.  Apparently she never did fall asleep.  As we trekked to the bathroom with my head in a fog, I told her that it was okay if she decided she wanted to sleep in her own bed.  We went back to the living room, and I lay there a bit annoyed that I couldn't fall back asleep.  Twenty minutes later she told me she wanted to sleep in her own bed.  I was so relieved.

The night hadn't gone quite as planned, and I really didn't know what Ree thought of it.  I guess I got my answer last night.  As I was tucking her in to bed, she happily asked, "Mom, when's our next sleepover?"  I yawned and said I really didn't know, but it was fun to think about.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Kid Time - Leon

Last Monday morning I planned to get out by myself to take care of a few errands.  Among other things, I had a few items to return, and I figured it would be best to do that without any helpers.  The plan was to take off by 7:45 and be at the stores by 8:00 when then opened.  What I hadn't planned on was Leon waking up incredibly needy.  After having been home for three whole days, he was just waiting for me to abandon him and was being a bit clingy.  (Okay, so for awhile there, he was making it clear that he didn't thing it was fair that the new baby had an umbilical cord attached to me and he didn't.)  So I decided to take him with me. 

We still managed to make it out the door by 9:00, and he and I actually had a decent time together.  Not that I am too surprised, since as long as I cater to his needs, he is actually pretty content.  We went to Kohl's, Target, Barnes and Noble, and World Market.  I was stunned by the silence on the way to Kohl's.  I am so used to Ree wanting to play games in the car and Michael's constant chatter that I had forgotten that Leon just likes to observe things.  Easy enough.  We rocked out to the radio. 

Leon was great at Kohl's.  He just sat in the cart while I ran all over the store.  We next went to Target.  I had a long and random list of stuff to get there, and we were there for about an hour and a half.  Leon started getting squirmy about halfway through, and I completely understand how he felt, so I bribed him with a soft pretzel and an Icee.  He is not the sugar junkie that his siblings are, so I got to guzzle most of the Icee while he ate most of the pretzel.  We were both quite happy. 

On the way to Barnes and Noble, he requested to play "Letters, Numbers, Shapes, and Colors."  I almost burst out laughing at the request.  This is a game invented by Ree where one person gives clues and the other person guesses the letter, number, shape, or color.  And she likes to play it ALL the time in the car.  I guess Leon just assumed it was part of the whole car ride experience.  With Leon the game pretty much consisted of me giving clues and him saying, "What that?" but not bad for a two-year-old.  At Barnes and Noble, he took off for the children's section.  I am pretty sure that if I had just let him go, he would've found his way to the back of the store and I would've found him playing at the train table.  My children love and know Barnes and Noble like other children know Toys R Us or the park.  Instead of playing, though, we just stood in line to make a return, and then we left.  And Leon didn't protest.

We next walked over to World Market which is in the same shopping center.  I guess I've never taken him there.  Leon loved it, especially the world music they were playing.  Leon's little body was grooving in the shopping cart the entire time we were at the store. 

After that, it was time to head home.  I hoped Leon had enjoyed enough time with Mommy to prevent any additional meltdowns, at least for the rest of day.  I was also exhausted and needed to rest before my next big kid adventure - Monday night's sleepover with Ree...