Monday, January 24, 2011

Touchdown, Mikey!

With nothing but the Super Bowl, Big Game, What the Heck Are You Allowed to Call It? Event out there, football season is rapidly coming to an end. (Phew!  I mean, um, uh, how unfortunate.)  Prior to children, I used to enjoy football, but these days, it is just a pain in my heiny.  It never occurred to me that when I married a sports junkie, someday I might be at least a partial football widow.  I'm dumb.  However, one thing I will miss about football, at least from this season, is Michael's reaction to it.

First, when a game is on, Michael will sit on the couch and announce the game.  While the field or any players are visible, he babbles continuously.  Someday he will do exceedingly well as one of those obnoxious color commentators who doesn't know when to shut up.  (The running joke is that some day we will be able to say, while beaming with pride, "See that guy up there in the announcer booth?  The one everyone wants to muzzle?  That's our boy!")

Then there are the commercials.  All three of our kids will freeze, open mouthed, eyes unblinking, and stare at the TV throughout the commercials.  It should be fun to watch their reaction to the Game-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named.  And given the fact that our kids miss nothing, remember everything, Ree is now reading and Michael is trying very hard, every time we make it back to the game without seeing an ED commercial, we give a little sigh of relief.

Finally, the best part, is when Michael actually reenacts plays.  He plays all positions himself.  So he will start as the quarterback and throw the ball.  Then he will receive his own pass.  Finally, he will turn into a defensive tackle and hurl himself to the floor shouting, "Boom!  Crash!"  Then, as the receiver again, he will lay on top of the ball, clutching it with both hands and say, "Owwww!"  (Okay, so Harvard isn't exactly calling...)  Last week Jeff found him dropping the ball, shouting, "Fumble!" Then he scrambled to get the ball and regain possession.

I gotta admit, it's some quality entertainment, and I will miss that.  Thankfully, there are more sports looming...

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