Friday, January 7, 2011

Kid Time - Michael (and Ree - again!)

It had not been my plan to spend one-on-one time with each kid last week, but when it started working out like that, I realized it was probably a good thing.  By Tuesday morning it was time for a Michael - Mommy adventure, and he and I headed to Walmart for a super mega grocery shopping since we hadn't really shopped in two weeks.

Michael is not a great shopper, and this excursion made me a bit nervous.  My list was long and rambling, so before we left, I rewrote it so it was more organized and efficient.  I packed a snack and a drink for him.  And I hoped for the best.

It actually turned out okay.  Michael was pretty happy, and other than managing to drop half of his snack in a "spill-proof" container on the floor in front of the spaghetti sauce, we had no major disasters.

The problem with Walmart is it just always takes forever.  We had left home a few minutes after 10:00, and it was already approaching noon as we left the checkout.  I was hungry and dehydrated (and quickly approaching grouchy, since I don't do hunger well, so Michael and I headed to Moe's where we had a coupon for a free kid's meal.

Michael was so cute there.  He and I each had burritos.  I held him up so he could see them make his food, and he happily told them what to put on his burrito. (Chicken, beans, cheese, lettuce, and TOMATO!)  He held my hand and walked like a big kid as we got drinks and went to our table.  As I was going to get him a high chair, a nice woman ran up and offered to get one for us.  Once I got him settled in, he sat down and just ate.  He definitely enjoyed the fact that his chair was facing a TV showing football highlights, but he didn't let that distract him from the business at hand.  He ate all of the filling from his burrito, a few chips, and the part of his chocolate chip cookie I was willing to let him have.  I think his favorite part was his big boy drink.  I let him drink lemonade out of a kid's cup with a straw.  The boys are usually stuck drinking water from sippy cups when we go out, so this was a huge treat.

When we got home, Michael was happy and I was, again, exhausted.  I was ready to take a nap, but Ree reminded me how things weren't fair.  I pointed out that while she got to have a sleepover, her brothers just went with me to run errands on their dates.  The little attorney then replied that her time with me didn't count as a date since we didn't actually GO anywhere.  I actually needed to stop at the grocery store, so she and I headed out to Barnes and Noble to spend a gift card that was burning a hole in her pocket with plans to stop by HT on the way home.

The kids are all so funny in Barnes and Noble.  It is their mecca.  But we are cheap, and we have an army of children, so we rarely buy anything there, since buying one thing means buying three things.  Books in our house typically come as presents or from the dollar bin at Target (or from the library).

But Ree knew she could pick out something, anything (within reason) to buy.  So she checked out the princess stuff.  Then the racks of series books like the Berenstain Bears.  Then it was off to the games and educational toys.  As we were walking through the games, she looked at me and told me she was overwhelmed.  There was too much to choose from.  So we headed to the clearance where she found a princess fashion set.  That was just right.

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