Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sports Junkie

Last Sunday, Liverpool played their first soccer match of the season at 11:00 a.m.our time.  At 1:00 p.m., the Reds played the Marlins.  Sunday was also the final day of the PGA championship, and the day ended with a Bengals game at 7:00 p.m.  And we were able to get every one of these sporting events on television.

Needless to say, Jeff was pretty happy.  But Michael, oh Michael was in heaven.  He got to watch "foot-bah", "bay-bah", "goff", and more "foot-bah."  (He knows the difference between soccer and American football, but he refers to both as football.  He's so Euro.)  Sunday might have been his Best Day Ever.

Yesterday, Michael was not feeling well, and when he doesn't feel well, he doesn't sleep.  (I won't even go into the vicious cycle this creates...)  So around 10:00 last night, when he was up again, I decided it was time to settle down in front of the TV with him for some cuddles.  I knew it would calm him down and kinda keep me awake.  We have very, very basic cable and we get an odd assortment of channels.  I settled on Discovery Health which was showing the ever-so-enlightening I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant.  Michael started dozing during the first segment.  Perfect.  Then there was a commercial break. He perked up and pointed out things on the commercials.  Mom!  Baby!  Cat!  Dog!  Then he kept pointing at the TV and saying "football."  There were no footballs on the TV.  There were not even things remotely resembling footballs or other sporting equipment on TV.  When the show came back on, he got much more intense.  "Football!  Football!  Football!"  Jeff had joined us in the living room by this point, and for a minute, we thought the poor kid's fever had finally gotten too high.  He was hallucinating.  Then it occurred to us that Michael was putting in his request.  The child wanted to watch more football.  He was not happy when we told him that there was no football on TV on a Tuesday night in August.

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