Wednesday, September 12, 2012


On Mondays, I work a half day from home, and this Monday was one of those days that worked exactly the way it was supposed to. (Shockingly, it can happen.) I floated between blocks of time for work and for being a mom, and, well, it was great. Among other things, the kids played outside for awhile after lunch. It was so nice to be able to be outdoors again but, of course, Michael quickly got bored.

That's when I broke out the outdoor craft supplies. I let them draw on the fence with sidewalk chalk. It had never occurred to me previously that sidewalk chalk could be used on vertical surfaces, but hey, it worked great. Leon made it his job to draw a line on every board.

Natalia alternated  between scribbling on the fence and running through the yard with all the chalk.

And after months of frustration, Michael finally drew a person. It turns out all I had to do was to tell him to draw zeros and ones, and suddenly he was able to make the circles and lines that other kids are able to do at a much younger age. (He is such a math nerd. Already using binary.)

Here he is hard at work.

And here is the finished product.

I realize that at first glance it looks like a jellyfish. And it also does at second and third glance (unless you think it looks like a squid or possibly an octopus). But he tells me it's a person with really long legs. And I believe him.

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