Sunday, September 30, 2012

Classic Rock Kids

Wilmington seems to be one of the last cities in the country that still has a wide variety of independent radio stations. We take advantage and always have the radio on in the car, and often in the house too. There are about four stations we listen to regularly, but it's classic rock that always catches the kids attention. And somehow they are able to put images with the music. We were eating at Red Robin one night over the summer when Michael glances up at a poster and said, "Hey! It's the Beatles!" (I do believe we are raising him right.)

Here are a few of my favorite moments from driving in the car with the kids this weekend.

Ree: Is this, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?"
Me: No. It's...(listening)..."Wheel in the Sky Keeps Turning."
I don't know if I said it wrong, or she heard it wrong, but she then said:
Ree: Shouldn't it be "keeps" and not "keep? A wheel "keeps" turning.
Me: You're right.
Before I could elaborate, the chorus came on, and we both listened. It was "keeps." She sat back in her seat, relieved. And I made a mental note to keep the grammar Nazi-in-training away from country and rap.

Ree and Michael spent at least ten minutes debating the lyrics of "You Might Think" by the cars. Michael would sing a line, and Ree would correct him. Over and over. The funniest part? She never had the lyrics right. I decided not to step in and correct her. For now they can keep singing:

You might think I'm crazy.
All I want is you.
You might think I'm foolish.
To hang around at school.

And my absolute favorite was all four kids singing "Werewolves of London" at the top of their lungs. Even Natalia howled along to the chorus. Oww-ooooh!

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