Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Potty Trained!

A few weeks ago we passed an amazing milestone, one so momentous I was terrified to write about it for fear of jinxing it. For the first time since October 2008, we are down to just one kid in diapers. It is a good thing. A very, very good thing.

When Ree got out of diapers, I rejoiced. Life would be easier! We would save money! And life was easier, but then I wrote her first tuition check to preschool the following week. Doh. So I knew not to get too excited about the money savings this time around, which is good since it turns out I have to write a bigger check to send two kids to a church preschool two days a week than I had to write for my half of the rent in most of the places I lived when I was single. (Yes, it was the Midwest, and yes, it was, um, awhile ago, but still...)

The one expense I really did not anticipate? Since the boys have given up diapers, I think we now spend as much money on toilet paper as we previously did on diapers.

Still, it's totally worth it.

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