Friday, August 24, 2012


I knew we had officially moved to kindergarten-land, and away from Ree's nice sheltered past, when she showed me an ad for the shoes she wants. A girl in her class has them, and Ree loves them. And they were on sale for $59.99. There is nothing particularly special about them other than being cute. No magical powers. They cannot be used for any sports or Antarctic treks. They are just sneakers. They are $60 sneakers for a (now!) six-year-old. Thank goodness Ree has at least a basic understanding of money and is okay with not getting them (for now).

Kindergarten is definitely influencing the things she says, both the topics of discussion as well as the delivery. She now must gush over things while proclaiming disgust at others. One of my favorite comments of the week was, "Don't you just love Blu-Rays? The quality is just so much better." True, definitely, but most likely not an original thought.

When Ree was younger my thought regarding food was always, "I will get as much good stuff in as  I can, while I can." The first two years of her life were filled with whole grains and organic produce. She began her love affair with junk food the summer before she turned three, and last year she proclaimed herself a "junkfoodatarian." Going to kindergarten and eating lunch at school is taking the love to a whole new level. On the second or third night of school she asked what she was going to have for dessert the next thing, and which point I gently reminded her we didn't eat dessert with lunch every single day. (Yes, I still have a monster sweet tooth. And, yes, mothers are allowed to be complete hypocrites.)

Among other things, Ree has discovered Cheetos, and she is in love. (And I have to admit, if I am going for a completely chemical-laden product, Cheetos are pretty high on the list. But I managed to hide this from her for a long time.) Incidentally, Natalia has also discovered Cheetos and is in love. The differences between the oldest and youngest children...

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