Monday, June 4, 2012

Swimming Lessons

When I was little, I loved summer. I loved going to my grandmother's and I loved participating in the summer reading program at the library. (Yes, I was just as nerdy then as I am now.) But more than anything, I loved swimming. Actually, I love swimming to this day. There's just something about being in the water.

As much as I loved swimming in general, there was something extra special about swimming lessons. They were a time when I got to go to the pool regularly and try all kinds of different things. They were so much fun.

My kids don't look at swimming lessons quite the same way. They are not fans. But we started swimming lessons today anyway, and the kids will be at the YWCA four mornings a week for the next two weeks. Today everyone made it in the water AND they stayed there the entire lesson. This is very impressive for my children!

The boys' instructor is a gentleman in his 50s named "Mr. Mike" who has been teaching kids to swim for a pretty darn long time. He is fabulous. He taught Ree's class last year, and she made enormous progress, relatively speaking. (See above about getting in and staying in the water.) At the beginning of the class, he called the role, and the kids each sat down on the steps in the pool. He then asked each of the three and four-year-olds in the class to tell him their names. When he asked Leon his name, Leon replied, "I'm nervous." I am pretty sure Mr. Mike had never gotten that response before. Mr. Mike just about lost it and joked with Leon that he knew such a big word but wouldn't say his name. By the end of the lesson, Leon was even kind of smiling when Mr. Mike said it was time for "Nervous" to practice kicking. We will settle for baby steps.

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