Friday, June 1, 2012

Sleep, How I Miss Thee

It never occurred to me until I snapped at someone and got in a rather ugly situation today, that I have not slept in 3 weeks. Yikes. 

For many years I wasn't a sleeper. My senior year of high school I skated by on nearly no sleep. I probably did the same my junior year, but high school was an awfully long time ago, and I am too tired to remember this morning let alone the mid-90s. My junior and senior year of college I know I didn't sleep. I prided myself on being able to go out, close the bars, wake up and work out, and be ready for a new day. I was silly.

Somewhere in the years since then, I have discovered sleep. It turns out, I love sleep. Sleep is a wonderful thing. I am not the kind of person who can sleep in til noon, but I do love a good afternoon nap. (Even when not sleeping in college, I did manage to squeeze in afternoon naps on the weekends. So maybe I did sleep some then, just not on a "normal" schedule.)

But now my children have decided that I do not need sleep. Sleep takes away time I could spend with them. Natalia monopolizes my early mornings, evenings, and late nights. I let Ree steal my weekend afternoons. 

It's a good thing they're cute.

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