Monday, January 16, 2012


It is a running joke that ever since the boys were born, we get by on false hope. False hope is that delusional sense that hey, we know this guy who knows this guy who won $5,000 on a scratch off ticket, so I'm sure we will win the jackpot. (And for the record, while we would desperately love to win the lottery, we never remember to buy tickets. But hey, maybe someone will give us a ticket!)

Sleep has always fallen into the false hope category. There has always been the story of, "This one time..." and we run with it. You know, this one time, right after immunizations, when our poor little kids felt like crud and just had a big dose of ibuprofen, they slept! So we figure if they slept that one time, they can do it again!

Natalia was actually a great sleeper until she was 4 1/2 months old. From the time she was 7 or 8 weeks old (I think) until that point, she got at least one 6 or 7 hour stretch of sleep a night. When she got up, she nursed and went right back to sleep. It was fantastic.

The last 7 months haven't been so great. There have been occasional days where she slept well, but more often than not, she had checked in many times a night. There have also been those nights where she treated any sleep before midnight as a nap and then got up and wanted to play.

But over the past week, there have been 4 nights where she has gone to bed between 8:30 - 9:00 and slept til 3:30. A couple of the nights involved "resets" before we went to bed, but all was quiet once I went to bed. Of course, she also stayed up til 12:30 last Thursday night, but I am ignoring that. Because, hey, she slept! I know she can do it again!

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