Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where's the Dishwasher?

(This is an update to an earlier post. I finally found the image online! Granted, I probably should've looked a little harder in the first place, but I am lazy like that.)

I am always amused at what the kids notice (and what they don't). The kids' bedrooms are at the front of the house, and when you walk out of them you look directly at the living room and the couch at the back of the house. (And we have a little house with an open floor plan. It's not far to look.) On Christmas, Santa was kind enough to leave all the kids' gifts and their stockings on the couch so they would be the first thing they saw when they woke up. Santa's plan worked for Ree and Leon. Michael, however, was totally oblivious. Without even glancing at the bright mound of toys displayed in front of him, he ran to the dining room where he studied the plate of cookies and carrots left out for Santa and his reindeer. It took some convincing to get him to the toys.

For Christmas, one of my brothers and his wife gave me a shirt with a cartoon cat cooking on it. I put the shirt on for the first time the other night, and Michael exclaimed, "I like your new shirt!" It made me smile even though Michael is quick to comment anything something is different. I usually shower at night after they go to bed, but if I shower during the day and Michael sees me with wet hair, he will comment, "I like your new hair!" At least he notices.

I figured that Leon (aka Chef Lay-ohn) would love the shirt, but when he saw me, he just stared. After studying the image for several minutes, he finally asked, "Where's the dishwasher?"

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