Monday, January 23, 2012

Sleep, Part II

Nothing jinxes a good night's sleep like writing that you have been getting sleep. So, of course, last week Natalia decided not to sleep. A lot of it wasn't her fault. She is teething and miserable. Again. Poor kid ran a fever from Friday through Sunday. I would have trouble sleeping too if my mouth felt like it was exploding.

But there were a couple of nights where she was just awake. And the worst part is, she's just so darn funny when she is wide awake late at night that we have trouble being mad at her. She sings, she practices walking, she actually plays with her toys. She enjoys doing all of the normal one-year-old things she can't do when her siblings are around.

Thursday nights was one of those wide-awake nights. I was stressed and she fed off my energy by getting hyper and refusing to sleep. We gave up on putting her to bed in favor of watching the last half of The Office. While we tried to listen to the show, she started singing her own version of "Bah, Bah, Black Sheep." Her version sounded more like "Bah, bah baa she, pbbbtttthhhhh!" There was much spit involved, and she did this over and over again. And heaven help us, we laughed every time.

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