Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Some days the kids just make me smile. Yesterday was one of those days for Natalia. It started at dinner. Jeff and Ree were off at gymnastics, and it was just me, Leon, Michael, and Natalia for dinner. (And, yes, I realize how insane our house has gotten when a small dinner is four people and two big dogs.) At Ree's preschool, the kids sing a song thanking the earth for providing food before they eat lunch, and lately we have been using this as our blessing before dinner. Last night as the boys and I sang, I noticed Natalia also had her hands clasped together and she too was "singing." It was totally adorable. And rather unexpected since I hadn't even seen her bring her hands together even to clap.

She apparently read my mind, because after dinner she started clapping. And clapping. And clapping. And her siblings kept encouraging her by clapping back. They were all pretty cute. It turns out Ree had first seen her clap yesterday morning, and that started the clapping game with the sibs.

Natalia was also very affectionate yesterday and kept crawling over to give me big, drooly open mouth kisses. I'm sure they sound completely disgusting to anyone else, but trust me, they were totally sweet.

Then last night when Natalia got up for her 10:45 feeding, (She has an amazing internal clock going. She wakes up between 10:43 and 10:47 every night no matter what is going on. And we have yet to hear our neighbors make any noise at the time. Kinda crazy.) she cried a little, settled back down, and settled on calling to me until I came to rescue her from her horrible old crib. "Mum? Muuum? Mum?" And her little British name for me is just as cute as when Ree called me "Emma."

I have no idea what put her in such a good mood. It could be that the latest round of teeth popped through (she's up to 10 now, and she isn't quite 9 months old, for anyone who is counting), but I am going to remind her it is because she slept. Yesterday morning I tucked her into her crib at 4:45 following her last feeding and she slept in her crib until 7:45. Amazing.

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