Friday, November 4, 2011

Natalia Randomness

Just a random update on all things Natalia:

On Tuesday Natalia finally figured out how to pull her big booty up to a standing position. By Thursday night she was standing up and pushing toys around just like her brother Leon did when learning to walk.

Lately, Natalia has decided she will only sleep touching me. She used to sleep in her crib some, at least after she ate around 3 or 4am, but over the past week, not so much. It takes some fancy maneuvering for me to get out of bed in the morning. Natalia sleeps between me and the wall which means I am stuck smack in the middle of our full sized bed. I have never been known for my ninja-like skills, so you can imagine the fun I have trying to ease myself out of there wihtout disrupting the princess's covers.

For a long time, Natalia's vocabulary was limited to saying "booba" and "doggie," but over the past few weeks, she has started saying "mama" as well. And she says it lots. The cutest was tonight when I arrived home from work and she excitedly announced my arrival with a "Mama!"

Also, Natalia has been slugging Jeff every time he calls her a cute baby or a cute girl.

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