Monday, November 21, 2011

While I am catching up, I should probably mention Halloween. We actually had a really fun Halloween this year. We started celebrating early with a party at Ree's school the Friday before Halloween. Then the whole family went to a costume party the Saturday before Halloween.

It was rainy and cool (mid-50s) on Halloween night, but that didn't slow down the kids at all. The boys insisted that I dress up (like it was that hard to convince me), so I ran door-to-door with them while Jeff pushed Natalia in the stroller.

This year Ree was definitely the big kid, taking the lead at each house. I guess it would be kinder to say she clearly showed self-confidence rather than saying she almost rudely got in people's faces asking for candy. Leon was close behind, running after her. Michael knew his limitations, and running in the dark in a costume was just not something he was capable of, so he shouted, "Wait for Buzz (Lightyear)!" more than anything. But he never seemed to be sad in asking them to slow down.

My favorite points at the night were just after we visited houses where the owners were handing out M&Ms. After getting their treat buckets filled, the boys would launch into their version of "Eminence Front" by The Who with one saying, "M&Ms front," and the other responding, "It's a put on!"

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