Monday, November 28, 2011

Double Digit Baby

Yesterday, Natalia reached double digits. She was 10 months old! (And we completely forgot to tell her. Oops.) 

At 10 months, she is a cheerful, chatty girl. Her favorite word is "ba" which she first used to identify the dogs. The use of ba then expanded to included babies and, well, anything else she likes. She has recently started saying hi, and she frequently waves and says "Hai" in her cute little voice to everyone she likes, and almost always when they aren't looking. 

She loves watching her brothers and sister and she often crawls after them, parking herself in the middle of the toy room and chewing on one of their toys while she watches them play. She pulls up on everything, but she isn't yet trying to walk, and that is perfectly okay with us. she is crazy enough as a crawler.

She is also more attached to me than ever, spending countless hours in the sling and insisting on co-sleeping, at least after 11:00 p.m. Yesterday we returned from an epic adventure. We spent the last eight days on vacation, and while we were gone we celebrated Leon and Michael's birthday and Thanksgiving. We also attended a family wedding and rehearsal in which Ree was a flower girl. And we did all of this at Disney World. It's been quite the experience, and I have a lot more stories to share. I'm sure it's also a bit mind-blowing when you are less than a year old, even if you have reached double digits.

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