Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Phone Home?

I have started so many entries (or at least thought about many entries) over the past few weeks, and none have been completed. Things have just been INSANE. Most of the time life with four kids is actually pretty manageable, but right now we have four kids, at Christmas, following vacation, to Disney World. It is a miracle that we are all still alive.

I could share what the past few weeks have been like, but I am pretty confident it will just sound like whining. Yes, the kids have drug me down to their level. So in lieu of whining, I think it is time to start sharing a pic or two a day from vacation. I have a feeling these will be in no particular order.

This is our hotel room, or more specifically, our family's bedroom in a three bedroom villa we shared with my parents and grandmother. It was quite lovely. We were at Mystic Dunes resort, which is only a mile or two from Disney property. Jeff and I slept in the bed that actually looks like bed, with Natalia joining us after midnight. (She actually went to sleep each night in a pack and play. Amazing!) We put the other mattress on the floor for Leon and Michael since they are used to sleeping in toddler beds. And Leon and Michael discovered land line phones. We only have cell phones, and they loved learning about this new toy. I'm not sure the hotel operator felt the same way.

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