Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Co-Sleeping Bed Hog

Natalia was a great sleeper until she was about 4 1/2 months old, and it's been downhill ever since. Starting a few weeks ago, she started getting up about once an hour at night, and at best we would get one stretch each night where we could sleep for an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half. (And by "we", I really mean "me" since Jeff is exhausted enough after chasing after the kids and dogs all day to sleep through it most of the time as the non-nursing parent.) In our desperation, we had totally given up on trying to get Natalia to sleep in her crib, and when she slept, it was either in her swing or cuddled up with me. Then last Wednesday, the motor in her swing died. She is 8 1/2 months old and I figured we were more than overdue for giving it up. Wednesday night was a special kind of miserable, and after spending about 9 hours curled up with her to only sleep for about four hours, I stopped at a consignment store on my way home from work on Thursday to buy another swing. I also bought a music and light attachment for her crib (and I seriously contemplated stopping at the liquor store for a big bottle booze for me).

Thursday night wasn't great, but it was better than Wednesday night. They say sleep begets sleep, and she has been taking good naps for Jeff in her swing. At night, however, she much prefers to sleep with me, and we've even had a few 3 and 4 hour stretches of sleep the past few nights. I will take it, even if she tends to punch and kick me in her sleep. Not to mention, the girl is a bed hog.

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