Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our Weekends

Ever since the boys were born, people have been telling us we should have our own reality show.  (This comes from friends and casual acquaintances.  Strangers just keep on telling us, "You have your hands full."  Right.  Thank you for that brilliant insight.)  Anywho, what people don't realize is how incredibly boring our lives are.  They would make one episode where we did dishes and laundry and realize, oh, that's all they do.  Huh.  Jeff's best friend did recently come up with an interesting twist.  He thought we should have a reality show sponsored by Direct TV in which they provided us with NFL Sunday Ticket so Jeff could watch Bengals games at home.  That could probably lead to at least one full episode of unintentional comedy with entertaining moments in other episodes.

While I was feeding Natalia earlier tonight I was looking at facebook and in reading everyone's weekend status updates I was again reminded of the dullness of our lives.  I suppose I could post about my weekend too, but I'm not sure anyone wants to read things like:

Woohoo!  It's Friday night!  I finally have time to take apart my breast pump and clean all the parts.  Sweet.

Jeff is at the mall with the big kids so I can clean.  After 4 hours I finally got all the floors swept, mopped, and vacuumed.  Managed to fill a trashcan with dog fur, black sand, and mystery trash.  Good times.

On the other hand, there's a lot to be said for not leading exciting lives.  I have time to cook and we've been enjoying lots of good food.  I am even learning to cook fall produce (something that has always scared me).  We've also been able to play outside every day lately, and we are enjoying amazing weather.  Temperatures have been in the 70s and 80s the past two weekends with beautiful, clear blue skies.  The three big kids can finally really play together, and they can spend hours running around the back yard together.  Also, because there are three of them (and because Ree is a bossy five-year-old girl) they lapse into school activities outside.  Today Ree made the boys "stand in line" to take turns playing hopscotch, and I love when they all hold hands and play ring-around-the-rosie.  Plus, you never know when the kids might burst into song.  A Michael-led rendition of "Yellow Submarine" with Leon chiming in on random words may not be the same as going to see Paul McCartney cover it, but most of the time, it's good enough for me. 

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