Sunday, September 14, 2014

L.A., Part I

Hi guys!

I made it to California! I mostly spent the day waiting around or riding on planes and shuttles, so it wasn't too exciting. Here are a few pictures, though.

First I flew from Wilmington to Charlotte, then I changed planes and had to fly from Charlotte to L.A. There were lots of planes in line in Charlotte waiting to take off.

 This is what the tops of clouds look like!

What the ground looks like from way up high. (We were flying at about 32,000 feet or about 7 miles up!)

Bunny likes her new bed!

Angry Bird and Pony had dinner.

Can you spot Bunny? She was relaxing on the balcony outside my hotel room.

I hope you have a good night and a great day at school tomorrow!



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