Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Michael, like his sister Ree before him, is amazingly able to stay dry all night without getting up to use the bathroom. (I was the kid who got up many times a night, and I am sure Leon and Natalia will pay me back. For now, I am enjoying the children who sleep.)

But, after staying dry all night, by morning the little guy REALLY needs to go. I've learned not to jump up as soon as he starts calling though. He has developed his own 3-point escalation plan. Michael starts by calling, "Mom, Mom? Mommy? Mom?"

If that goes on for a couple minutes and I don't respond, he moves on to, "Mom, I'm calling you! Mom, I'm calling you!"

I usually go get him at that point. If I don't, he then hits desperation level. That's when he starts pleading, "Stefanie? Ste-fa-nie? Stefanie? I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" When he uses my first name, I know we're all in trouble.

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