Friday, April 13, 2012

Losing My Mind

I feel like every woman I know is overwhelmed these days. I sense it at work, at preschool, and with friends and family. This week has pointed out that I am not immune.

On Sunday or Monday night, I can't remember which, I realized we had forgotten to do laundry over the weekend. We normally wash 7 or 8 loads of laundry on the weekend, and it had not occurred to us to throw in a single load over the weekend. This left everyone a little short on underwear and p.j.s this week. It's been creative.

Wednesday night we discovered we were out of disposable diapers for Natalia. In addition to forgetting to do laundry, we also forgot to go shopping for anything other than essential groceries last weekend. We usually keep two diaper bags (one just for her, one for all the kids) stocked, and there is normally quite a stash of diapers in those. That search yielded one (rather sad looking) diaper. We also have cloth diapers, but since we had forgotten to do laundry, these were all dirty. I was too tired to make an emergency diaper run, so I got to work washing the cloth diapers (they require two long wash cycles), and I passed out as soon as I got the liners in the dryer.

Thursday morning I was up early assembling diapers before work. When I got to work, I realized I had forgotten to bring any pumping supplies for Natalia's milk. Going all day without pumping is not an option if I actually want to think, so I headed home to get everything I forgot. On the bright side, I was able to stop on my way home and buy more disposable diapers.

I am really hoping for a nice, calm weekend so I can pull myself back together.

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