Thursday, March 17, 2011

Terrible Twos

The time has finally come for Michael to hit his terrible twos.  With Leon, it wasn't easy.  I'm sure no parent ever thinks it's easy.  Leon's power struggles mostly involved him hiding, impish smile firmly in place, and refusing to do things.  Like refusing to get his diaper changed.  Or refusing to put on shoes so we could take him to the park and to get ice cream for a day of super fun.  It was an interesting time.  We mostly dealt with it by learning to hold him with one arm away from our bodies so he couldn't kick us.  I'm sure I looked extra funny walking around with a gigantic pregnant belly and a toddler bicycling his legs in space like he had just run off a cliff in a Road Runner cartoon

Michael, however, is convinced the world is out to get him.  Michael can also talk, unlike Leon who was still fairly silent throughout his fun phase.  And Michael lets us know just how unfair life is many, many times every few minutes.  He's even resorted to full meltdowns.  You know those obnoxious kids you see at the store or a restaurant that are wailing away?  Yup.  That's Mikey.  Even visits from grandparents aren't fully curing the drama. 

So this is when we remind ourselves that this too shall pass.  And look really forward to a round of green beer.

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