Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Seattle, Part II

Hi Guys!

(Yes, this is also for the kids.)

I hope you guys had a fun day. Here are a few pictures from our day.

The downtown library is really big. And crazy looking!

Dad took a long walk today. A really, really long walk. He saw lots of cool things like this fountain.

And this statue of a man feeding seagulls.

And a giant ferris wheel that goes out over Puget Sound.

Here's another picture of Puget Sound.

After I got done with work, Dad and I walked around and went out to dinner. During our walk we saw the downtown Target (it was three stories tall).

We also saw the very first Starbucks. (And, no, Jewel. They didn't have cupcake pops.)

We tried to go to Pike's Place Market, but it was closed.

We did get to see a wall covered in gum.

The gum up close.

We ate dinner at the Crab Pot.

And now we need to go to bed. Love you guys!

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