Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Seattle, Day 3

Hey guys!

There is lots to share from today, but I also had lots of work to do tonight and I don't have a lot of time to write before I go to bed. So here are just a few pictures, and I promise to show you lots more when I get home.

Dad did a ton of walking again today. He saw some blue trees.

It's hard to see in the picture, but there are tons of buses here, and many are double buses (two buses put together!) that run partly off electricity instead of just gas.

Dad also toured a brewery and got to see how beer was made.

They really like recycling and taking care of the Earth in Seattle. There are always three trashcans at malls and fast food restaurants. There is one for trash, one for recycling, and one for composting. They even put pictures on the outside so you know what to put inside.

Tonight Dad and I went to see the Chihuly Museum. Dale Chihuly is an artist that makes sculptures out of blown glass. There were sculptures inside, in a glasshouse (green house), and outside. Here are a few pics of some of the things we loved seeing.


CrunchyMama said...

Trash cans specifically for compost?! That is awesome!!

Stef said...

They were pretty sweet. And fast food is served on plain (non wax-coated) cardboard, so it can be composted, and a lot of restaurants use soy based "plastic" forks and spoons that can also be composted.