Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Birthday Madness, Part I

Last Thanksgiving brought forth a week of madness as we headed to Orlando to celebrate Leon and Michael's birthday, to attend my cousin's wedding, to visit Disney World and, um, oh, to eat some turkey. It's amazing how sometimes the stars align, and it was a very enjoyable, crazy time. Actually, the only things that didn't go amazingly smoothly while we were gone were the drive home on I-95 the Sunday after Thanksgiving (I will never reclaim those 14 hours, but the kids did surprisingly well), the fact that I forgot to plan for the kids' wedding clothes so Ree ended up wearing Natalia's socks along with her otherwise gorgeous flower girl ensemble (she didn't complain, though) and Leon's pants fell all the way while solemnly being escorted down the aisle by the usher (to his credit, the little dude kept on truckin'), and the stress of the week caused Michael to break out in head-to-toe hives which miraculously went away the morning after the wedding.

We can't always count on things working out quite that well (summer vacation of doom, I am thinking of you! again and again and again), and so we are having a much quieter Thanksgiving week this year. It is just our little family at home, and we are looking forward to a day in which we can give thanks in our pajamas while eating way too much and watching hours and hours of TV. However, despite the relative quiet, we are getting in a week of birthday celebrations, since these little guys turn 4 tomorrow. 

The birthday madness started with a party last Saturday. Despite having a larger guest list, only two families were able to attend. However, given the size of our tribe and the fact that one of the family's in attendance has three children, we still had eight kids running through our house. It was actually a good sized party, and at the boys' request, we had Angry Birds EVERYTHING. 

There were Angry Birds cupcakes, which looked surprisingly less gray and scary when frosted.

I hadn't planned on party favors, but Ree insisted, and so we had Angry Birds graham crackers in Angry Birds bags.

For entertainment, we placed the train table in the living room and set up two Angry Birds board games and a ton of blocks on the table and the kids played with those for nearly two hours.

I am lacking pictures, but we also had Angry Birds banners all over the house. We were very festive.

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