Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not Quite 100 Days of Real Food

The holidays are already upon us. Holy cow. If I couldn't tell by the calendar, I can definitely tell by the kids. They are already completely out of control a wee bit excited. Yesterday's primary entertainment seemed to be running on the couch and jumping on our bed.

And the holiday fun in our house keeps going and going and going. Between now and Valentine's Day we will celebrate all the major holidays plus five birthdays. We'll also throw in a Super Bowl party, and I'm sure some other events will pop up. Based on last year, this translates into a lot of bad eating.

There was a part of me, the insane, anal retentive overachiever, who thought, "This is the year we will eat healthy! We will substitute whole grains and fruit for all the junk! We will limit baking! Sugar products will be made with coconut sugar and other natural sweeteners! Gone will be the white flour and white sugar!" And then I burst out laughing, because even I am not ready to consider giving up some of that yumminess at the holidays.

So instead of being "perfect" or extremist, we're going to try to get through the holidays with moderation. (I know. How shockingly un-American.) To help us, we are going to be following the 100 Days of Mini-Pledges at 100 Days of Real Food.

To be perfectly honest, last week was actually our first week. We were supposed to eat two fruits and vegetables with every meal. Even with me allowing snacks to count so we didn't always have to get those servings in with each meal, it was a failure. There wasn't a single day we actually managed to get two servings of fruit and vegetables with every meal, BUT we came close. We even managed to have two servings of vegetables and dinner on Halloween! And I learned a lot. So I will be consulting with my nutrition gurus at breakfast (that would be the children). And I think we are going for a do-ever. Stay tuned...

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