This has been the quickest, craziest summer. Ree got out of school Memorial Day weekend, and the following week Jeff and the kids just relaxed and played at home every day. That was followed by two weeks with swimming lessons every day. Then there was a week off, and Jeff and the kids went on adventures most days since they were in the habit from swimming lessons. Then we spent a week and a half on vacation. We came home and got a couple of days to deal with vacation recovery and an air conditioner that was not working quite right. (It couldn't keep up with the 100-degree days, and it was creeping up to 83 or 84 degrees in our house in the afternoon. On the Fourth of July, it got all the way to 87 in the house.) Then we had a normal week. That was great. Then last week, which was already our last week of summer before Ree starts kindergarten, was extra insane. We unexpectedly spent the entire week living at my parents' apartment in town.
It's not that we're nuts (well, any more than usual) or that we just wanted a romantic getaway for our anniversary (already 8 years of wedded bliss!). It's just that last weekend, a whopping 8 days after getting the AC serviced, it went completely kaput. For my birthday, Jeff had gotten me a gift card for a spa package, and last Saturday I finally got to use it. I came home from my 4 hours of pampering only to discover the house was at 87 degrees again. So we packed up the kids and spent Saturday night at the beach with some friends. (And, miraculously, my blowout stayed rather unscathed.) The house was also a bit more comfortable when we returned that evening.
Sunday was more of the same heat related fun, and after dinner we opted to head to my parents' apartment for the night so that we could at least sleep in a truly cold place. They don't have internet, so as we were leaving I was frantically sending emails to cancel a Monday morning meeting I had at preschool.
We came back early on Monday, and I spent the morning juggling working from home and trying to track down reputable air conditioning people that were available quickly for consults and installation.
We spent Monday night at home, and after that, we decided we were done sleeping at home. I think Natalia and I were the only ones who got any rest on Monday night. On Tuesday, while I was at work, Jeff and the kids headed over to my parents', and they pretty much stayed there until Friday. I volunteered to be the dog sitter, feeding and/or walking them before work, at lunch, and after work in the evening.
After all of that, I am happy to say that as of 7pm on Friday, we have a brand new unit (a heat pump, actually, for anyone who is interested) that is working. The crew was here starting at 8am on Friday, worked all day, and they are actually returning to finish up on Monday. Apparently, our ducts were quite a mess. So hopefully, after Monday, we will be set for a LONG time, and we can get back to sleeping in relative comfort. Now here's hoping for a quiet hurricane season...
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