Monday, June 27, 2011

Munch Munch

My little Munch is five months old today, and yes, that is one of her official names.  Natalia will respond to Natalia, Nati, or Munch Munch, and in general, is happy anytime someone pays attention to her.   She is such a sweet, happy baby, and she gets to excited reaching with both arms and legs whenever she is playing in her bouncy seat and someone looks at her.  It's like she is saying, "Pick me!  Pick me!"  And she certainly is trying to say it out loud.  She is a noisy baby, and she has been for quite awhile.  For the longest time we thought we were just silly, delusional parents pretending her babble represented real words, but it's becoming so frequent and regular, we are thinking she really is talking.  She loves to say "Aye uh oo" and then cuddle, and you could swear she is saying, "I love you."  She is also big on saying, "ma ma ma ma" like all babies do, but she only says it when I enter the room or pick her up.  My favorite was last night.  After those of us who eat solid foods had dinner, it was time for her to eat.  Her big sibs were completely nuts, so she and I went and hid in the bedroom where Miss Natalia had a nice, long meal.  When she got done, she let out a wall-rattling belch and said, "Mmm.  Booba."  I almost dropped her.

The day she turned four months, Natalia decided it was finally time to roll from her tummy to her back, and over the past four months she has gotten very good at rolling in this manner.  She also knows how to spin around when on her belly, and she will use a combination of spinning and rolling to ensure she can see the TV if it is on, no matter what we do in an attempt to keep her from staring at it.  She has yet to roll from her back to her tummy, but we think it's because she hasn't found a reason to do so.  She spends most of her energy trying to sit up, and when in her bouncy seat, she spends an awful lot of time in a v-sit position where she lifts both her head and chest and legs off the bouncy seat as she tries to get at least semi-vertical.  When we help her sit up, she tries to stand, and once she's standing, all she wants to do is jump.  The girl is full of energy.

As much as Natalia loves the TV, she also loves books and singing.  Of course Jeff and I read and sing to her and include her when we do so with the big kids.  But Natalia is also loved by her siblings, and Ree and Michael often read to her or sing to her when Jeff and I are busy.  And it is crucial to have someone with her because the only time Natalia gets upset is when she thinks she has been abandoned.  I guess that is a natural side effect of living with two parents, three other kids, and two dogs. 

Natalia is still maintaining her "sturdy" figure, and with two teeth already in place, and a desire to stick anything she can reach in her mouth, we know it won't be long before she is grabbing at food and eating along with everyone else.  And we know it won't be long before she is mobile and trying to keep up with everyone.  It's amazing how quickly our new baby is turning into a little girl.

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