Thursday, June 9, 2011

We Have Tooth!

Natalia got her first tooth today.  I was very excited.  She was not.  Her mouth is not being kind to her right now.  I don't think she's as miserable as her brothers - poor Leon has the last of his molars coming in and was writhing in pain in his sleep Saturday night - but it's no picnic.  But her itty bitty little tooth nubbin is so darn cute!

In other news, Michael was outsmarted by a meatball tonight.  The kids are currently on a meatball kick, and we eat them at least two or three times a month.  There are several different recipes we make with the favorite being Chinese meatballs made with water chestnuts and soy sauce.  Tonight we happened to have regular ol' spaghetti with some big, fat meatballs.  Leon currently wants all of his food whole, and he produced buckets of tears when I foolishly cut his blueberry pancake into bites so he could dip them in syrup last weekend.  This is not unusual, and it's at moments like this that I fluctuate between bashing my head into the wall in frustration and dissolving into a fit of giggles because I can hear the little demon voice in my head goading me on to say, "You better stop crying before I give you something to cry about!"

Jeff was actually the one making and serving dinner tonight while I took care of Natalia.  To keep the peace (and possible to avoid his own demon voices), Jeff plopped a nice, big, whole meatball on Leon's plate.  To keep things fair, Michael got one too.  Only when Michael sat down, he looked at the meatball and freaked out.  He had no idea what it was, much less how to eat it.  I was still feeding Natalia and couldn't see what was going on, but I know there was some drama, and I think there may have even been a few tears before Jeff showed Michael how to break off a chunk and eat the meatball.  I'm sure Michael then said, "Ohhhhh," and smiled.  And by the time I made it to the table, Michael was crying (there's apparently always a reason to cry in our house!) for more meatballs.

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