Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Die-nah-sore Vie-ta-men!

It's funny what kids can become obsessed with.  A few weeks ago we were at Target on a Saturday afternoon.  The kids were running low on vitamins, so we stopped in the drug section to get some.  We just started everyone on vitamins this fall, mostly because I was waiting until they could all eat the same kind, and they are still a pretty big deal with the kids.  (As for waiting on vitamins, yes, yes, I know.  Horrible parenting, but I didn't want to have to deal with sneaking vitamins to Ree or daily tantrums from the boys.  I'm lazy and selfish like that.)  We had previously only purchased vitamins at Walmart, and they only had teddy bear shaped gummy vitamins.  It turns out Target carries both the teddy bears AND dinosaurs.  So, thinking the boys wouldn't care one way or the other, I let Ree pick.  She picked the dinosaurs, and apparently that was the right choice. 

Michael immediately began chanting, "Die-nah-sore vie-ta-men!  Die-nah-sore vie-ta-men!"  He was a little excited.  I gave him the jar to hold.  He is typically not a great shopper (translation: he is that annoying screaming, whining kid in the store), and I figured it wouldn't be long before he launched the vitamins.  I just hoped they didn't collide with another shopper on the way down.  He surprised me and clutched them to his chest the entire time we were in the store, and he was actually pretty content to just ride in the cart.  He wasn't too thrilled about giving them to the lady at the check out (this would be the screaming, whining part), and when I handed the vitamins back to him after they had been very quickly scanned, he hugged them even harder than before.  In fact, he hugged them all the way home.  (On a side note, Leon was clutching a potty seat to his chest and hugging it this entire time.  I think Ree was reading a book and was holding it RIGHT in front of her face.  And they were all riding in one of those giant carts that seat 3 kids.  My gigantic belly and I were pushing the cart.  I bet we were quite the spectacle.)

The kids eat their vitamins with dinner, and I wasn't too surprised when Michael resumed his "Die-nah-sore vie-ta-men!" chant as we sat down to eat.  What I didn't realize was that the chant would continue at ALL meals in the weeks to come.  He also occasionally threw in the chant when things were boring or when he needed attention or when he just wanted the wonderful little kick only a dinosaur vitamin could provide.

Of course last night when my parents were here for dinner and we actually asked him to say "dinosaur vitamin," he refused.  He just kept saying, "Please!" to apparently demonstrate his fabulous manners.  I hate it when they are polite in front of company.

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