Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sleeping Like (Almost) Angels

I know I have much, much, much to write and catch up on.  And it will happen eventually.  Maybe even before my grandkids enter kindergarten.  But for now, here is a quick pic of the boys.  I am fairly certain this is the first photo of them sleeping since they were itty bitties.  I am normally not ninja enough to catch both of them asleep, especially Michael who would wake up if the neighbors three doors over turned on the TV.  I happened to take this photo on the afternoon of our anniversary.  We took the kids swimming that morning, which was our first water adventure with just our family.  We did not have to call the paramedics, and everyone made it home alive from that jaunt, so I would call it rather successful.  As an added bonus, the kids were exhausted.  I actually took this picture as an attempt to wake the boys up at 5:15 for dinner.

Notice how the beds are touching.  This is an absolute requirement for Leon to be able to sleep.  That's also Leon draped over Michael's bed.  If we let him, I'm sure Leon would always sleep in Michael's bed.  And, yes, the boys sleep with that many blankets even when the heat index is 115.

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