Friday, August 26, 2011

Nine O'Clock and All is Well (Enough)

The first really nasty rain band came through around 4:30 this afternoon. It was one of those moments where we thought, "Oh. THAT'S what they're talking about." The sheets of rain were going sideways and you could just picture some idiot in a raincoat screaming into a microphone, "Yeah, it's getting pretty crazy around here. The rain is starting to really come down." That, combined with flickering lights, made us decide to finally get serious about getting ready, so we took care of some "important" things that we hadn't gotten to like baking cinnamon rolls for breakfast and printing out fantasy football information in case Jeff is without Internet during his league's draft on Sunday.

Around 7:00 we lost electricity. Thankfully, the kids had already taken baths, so we just ate snack and squinted at a book in the semi dark. Ree was begging for a "camp in" in the living room and the boys were freaking out and running around the house when the power miraculously came back on. We quickly started the dishwasher, put laundry in the dryer, and dug out the extra candles. We are enjoying it while it lasts.

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