Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ree and Michael have the whole sibling squabbling thing down.  One one hand, they love playing together.  On the other, they are constantly bickering.  Michael is also extremely literal.  If you tell him, "Tell Leon you're sorry," the words that come out of Michael's mouth will be "Tell Leon you're sorry."  Michael also frequently announces his emotions.  If things aren't going well, he will forcefully drop his shoulders, lower his chin to his chest, and blurt out, "I'm sad!"  And if things are going well, he will stop in the middle of the action and announce, "I'm happy!"  So I suppose I really shouldn't have been surprised by last night's conversation.

The three big kids were in the bathtub, and Natalia was supervising from her bouncy seat.  Ree and Michael had just finished washing and were fighting over who was going to get out of the tub first.  I zoned out for a minute, and when my brain tuned back in, I finally heard the words they were saying.

Michael: I'm fighting.
Ree: No, I'm fighting.
Michael: I'M fighting.
Ree: No, I'm fighting.
Michael: No, I'M fighting.
Ree: I'm fighting...

I'm pretty sure this would've gone on for days if I hadn't jumped in to stop it.  Ah, this is the stuff golden childhood memories are made of!

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