Tuesday, July 19, 2011


At bedtime I now take each of the boys into the bathroom separately so they can brush their teeth and go potty.  Since alone time with me is hard to come by, this is when we get in some of our most meaningful discussions.  Here is my discussion with Leon from last night.

Leon: What's for breakfast (tomorrow)?
Me: I don't know.  Probably cereal and milk.
L: No cereal and milk.
Me: (Letting him down gently.)  Well, that's probably what you're having.  Talk to Dad.  I won't be here.  I have work in the morning.
L: WAH! (And, yes, he literally says "wah" when he fake cries.  He even manages to get the tears to stream down his face.  It's sad and pathetic and a bit comical.)
Me: Sweetie, I have to go to work so we have money to go to the store.
Leon perks up and stops WAHing because he loves shopping.  Then he looks lost in thought.
Me: That's why I work. So we have money for things like going to the store.
L: No, Mom.  Use coupons.

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