Tuesday, December 7, 2010

They Start Young

Not too surprisingly, the Bengals game was not on TV locally last Sunday, so while Jeff went to a neighborhood bar to watch it, I gamecasted it on the computer while Ree and I decorated for Christmas.

For those of you not familiar with gamecasting, it pretty much involves watching arrows representing the teams move back and forth on a drawing of a football field.  Not exactly an HD broadcast.  Still, somehow, when Michael woke up from his nap, he saw the computer and immediately exclaimed, "Football!"  Um, yeah.  At one point he apparently noticed the arrows moving fast or something, because we had the following conversation.

Michael: (Excitedly) Touchdown Bengals?
Me: No, not touchdown Bengals.  The other team scored.  Touchdown Saints.
Michael: (Pausing to think and then sadly) I'm sorry, Daddy.
Me: Yeah, I bet Daddy is sorry too.

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