Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Do Good Things and Good Things Happen

I really enjoy volunteering and helping people, I just seem to be short on time and motivation these days.  So I love it when I find ways to feel like I am bettering the world (at least a little) but can be totally lazy about it.

I joined MomsRising a couple of years ago.  It's a fabulous bipartisan organization that is working to build a more family-friendly country.  They focus on topics impacting moms, children, and families, and basic involvement is simple.  They send out emails on hot topics, which are often items in pending legislation.  If, after reading the summary, you want to take action, you click on a link and it sends letters to the appropriate state and federal officials.  If you want to learn more, there are links for that too.  So simple.

Yesterday, I learned about another site that helps you improve the world (at least an itty-bitty bit) in 30 seconds or less.  Xerox is sponsoring a site called Let's Say Thanks.  The website gives you the opportunity to send a free printed postcard to U.S. military personnel stationed overseas.  You pick a design, enter a message, and add your name and hometown.  Xerox prints it and sends it to someone.  No providing your email address or contact information.  Just an easy way to say thanks.

Yesterday must have just been a help people day in general, because one of my favorite blogs also had information on helping others.  Cake Wrecks, a blog featuring professional cakes gone oh-so-wrong, began their second annual Christmas Charity Countdown.  The premise is simple.  Small gifts add up, so they ask readers who want to participate to give a $1 a day to charity for 12 days.  That's it.  A buck.  Yesterday's charity, Give Kids the World, has already received $3,137 just from readers contributing.  Today's charity, Doctors Without Borders, has raised $1,925 from loyal wreckerators so far.  It's nice to know I'm not the only person who wants to make the world a better place.  Or that there are innovative people willing to help us do so easily.

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