Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's a Put On

One of the great things about Wilmington is that independent radio is still alive and kicking.  We celebrate this by keeping a radio on most of the time when we are at home.  In particular, we have a great classic rock station that we have been listening to ever since we moved here.

Lately Pearl Jam and STP have been in heavy roatation, and while I like hearing them, and they are a million times better than some of the 70s crap that gets played, it's still a bit disturbing to realize that the music that came out when I was in high school is now classic rock.

Ree definitely has her favorite songs, and it's always amusing (and a bit scary) when we hear her playing in her room singing Pink Floyd or Queen.  Her favorite classic rock song of all time, though, has to be Eminence Front by The Who.  She LOVES it.  Back when she was barely talking, we would still catch her singing along, "It's a put on!"  If she were on Name That Tune, she could name Eminence Front in one note.

It came on the radio the other day, and she got really excited.  Jeff was in the sunroom and she came running in, all wide-eyed and excited and shouted, "Daddy, it's my JAM!"

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