Sunday, August 16, 2009

Birthday Drama Epilogue????

R has been carefully studying the books Elmo's Birthday and the Berenstain Bears and Too Much Birthday. After careful consideration, and with no prodding from us, she has determined that she will have kids at her birthday party when she is, "a little bit older," like, "when me turn 4!" So we are off the hook for one more year. Phew!

Today we did go out and buy party supplies. Her birthday isn't for another week, but we have guests coming in next weekend so I thought we'd shop while we could. You know those themed birthday party supplies? Matching cups, plates, banners, streamers, balloons, etc.? R would have none of that. While we are not having a green birthday and avoiding paper products (I chose to pick my battles!), R did pick out only what she liked. So there are Hello Kitty plates, Disney Princess cups, and we almost got Elmo party hats. Her individualism makes me smile!

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