Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Holiday Road

We survived Vacation, Part I. Despite traveling with the whole crew, it was actually a pretty good trip. However, the most memorable moments for me as a mommy have nothing to do with the excursion.

As a wee little one, R loved to reach milestones away from home. She learned to crawl while she and her dad tagged along while I was attended a conference in Indianapolis. She made great strides towards learning to walk during a long weekend in Youngstown (pun intended, sorry, just couldn't help myself). Her little brothers are apparently doing the same.

While we were gone, M decided to start talking on June 2nd (I think) he started saying "ma - ma." I'm not entirely sure he knows what he is saying, but hey, I'll tell myself he knows exactly what is coming out of his mouth! The first time he said it was when he saw me burping L around 5:00 a.m., and M was quite jealous that I was holding his brother. I like to think that he was arguing that I was his ma-ma and I needed to put his brother down NOW. (Even if that wasn't what he was saying, M did start screaming soon after that in an effort to let me know it was his turn to eat.) He has said ma-ma daily since then. He has also been quite verbal practicing other sounds.

M also got really good at scooting backwards while we were away. He can now fly across a room. In reverse. Then he screams because he is stuck in a corner.

L spent most of the trip being miserable. However, as a result of his misery, he now has his first two teeth! One came through on June 6th while we were at a wedding, and the other one was in by the morning of the 7th. With the appearance of those two teeth, he is back to the happy baby that he was until about a month ago. Oh, and while miserable, he did get much better at sitting up. Now that he feels better he can fully perfect the art of balancing on his little Buddha belly. (M has been sitting well for awhile.)

Meanwhile their big sis decided that a road trip would be the perfect chance to really work on potty training. Thankfully, the girl is a camel, and we didn't have to make any emergency potty stops for her. She is now at least 75% potty trained and improving all the time.

We are now home for a couple of weeks before Vacation, Part II, which should give the kids a chance to recover and plenty of time to plot their achievements for our next outing.

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