Sunday, February 22, 2009

Three Months

I think it's pretty natural with a first child to compare his or her development to a milestone chart (and every other baby you encounter). With the second child, you compare the little one to the older sibling as well as the milestone chart and peers. And we're finding that with two at once, we compare the poor little guys to the milestone charts, their sis, and each other. Further complicating matters, the boys development is not based on their actual age, when they were born, but on their corrected age, based on when they were due. They just can't catch a break! Thankfully, for now they are doing just fine, and here is where they stand (or lay, to be precise) three months after their birth.

Since we haven't been to the doctor since their two month well-baby appointments (hallelujah!), we don't know exact weights and lengths. But M is still our chunky monkey. The boy loves to eat, and it is safe to say that he is well over 10 pounds. He was the first to coo, and he still gets mad when we catch him cooing. We're pretty sure he's just embarrassed to be caught acting like a baby! He is the more physical one, and he is in constant motion when he is awake. If he's sitting in his bouncy seat, he kicks and punches like mad. When he is on his tummy, he is often in a push up position looking around. Well, for the first few minutes, then he starts screaming.

L is still noticeably smaller, although we're not sure he's that much shorter in length. He has finally outgrown his newborn clothes, and the sleeves on some of the clothes in the next size are even a little short. He still spits up a lot, but he is keeping more food down, and we're finally noticing at least a little bit of chub on his arms and legs. He was the first to smile, and when he is happy, he gets a huge grin on his face. He likes to sit back and observe the world around him, and when he is in his bouncy seat, he generally is busy trying to process all that is going on around him. He was doing very little when we placed him on his belly, to the point that I was concerned because he wasn't even trying to lift his head. Then, out of nowhere, on Thursday night he got angry and rolled from his front to his back. He, like his brother and big sister, is full of surprises!