Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Freak Show

Friday a week ago was a strange day at work. I couldn't go anywhere without being asked about the babies. And this was not from friends. This was not even from acquaintances. This was from all sorts of random people who worked in my building. It was like I was the local celebrity. It was odd and a little disturbing. (And didn't they all have work to do???)

Outings with the whole family bring a similar level of attention. It is like we are an awfully cute (or so I hope) freak show. When we are out people stare. Sometimes with their mouths hanging open. And they love to state the obvious by saying thing such as:
  • There are two of them!
  • You're so little to have twins!
  • Things are busy in your house!
We also regularly hear things like, "So you're done having kids now, right?" Yes, person-in-line-at-the-grocery-store, I would like to discuss family planning with you! (A similar sentiment goes out to the woman standing behind me in line at Wal-Mart when I was pregnant who asked if we were going to get the boys circumcised. What goes through someone's mind to ask that to a stranger? Seriously???)

Last week brought a new twist to the comments. We now get to hear, "At least it's not 8!" Yes, at least it's not 8.

And I do know that people (mostly) mean well. Our family makes them smile and perhaps a little grateful that they are not us. They will never understand that we love our crazy little family and are okay with it. Which is why we are doing something silly like all going shopping together. If only we had some nice circus-style theme music playing wherever we went...

1 comment:

Alex said...


This is just what you need!